Welcome back, to the second day of this, the 3rd round, "Smooth 16", of the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions! We have some of our quieter match-ups today, but no one is a slouch at this point in the Tournament; for that much I assure you.
But first, to honor these glorious United States of America, Jordin Sparks performing our National Anthem....
Also, before we get to today's action.....
Food and drinks courtesy of the Kyle Bunch Agency and American Family Insurance, and the rest of Spirit of 77 festivities will be at your disposal: sports, TVs, the pop-a-shot.... I can't remember what else is there; I've only been there once or twice. My point? It'll be a good time.
And, in case you missed it yesterday, now through the end of June, every gift to the University -- regardless of size -- is matched with $100 from Rich Baek. So, if you have never given to the University before, now is the time to strike while you're in the bonus!!
That said, onward with today's action! Just like yesterday, and for the rest of this round of the Tournament, each participant was asked to fill-in-the-blank, and their responses will dictate if they continue on to the Enduring 8 round of the Tournament, or join the previous dozens of folks who have already exited this year's Tournament.
The topic for this round of the Tournament.....
"_______ : The Most Annoying Thing(s) Ever."
We will start today off with the Portland Women's Semi-Final match-up between regional 1-seed, Kristen Dutra, against 13) Alisha Finke.
We'll have Kristen start off this day of action, with her thoughts on the most annoying thing ever...
"People who don't follow directions/instructions."
Truth. This is very annoying. Kristen went on to elaborate that it was in regards to patrons at the airport who weren't following boarding directions. (Probably because they are JetBlue patrons and not patrons of Southwest Airlines: the Official Airline of Ryan Henley....getting the plugs in. ;-) haha) Anyway, this is very annoying -- in general.
For example, it is a mild annoyance in my month of May that, inevitably, I am going to have to repeat myself about Tournament-related news or instructions. "Do I need to do anything for this?" Did you read the introductory post that explained the rules, history, and other general FAQs? No? I see. "Am I still in the Tournament?" Did you read your match-up? Because, if you did, you'd know that you did/not advance. Actually, I should just eliminate you right now, regardless, because you're not that into it. "When do I need to submit my responses to you?" Just read the introductory post -- I put them together before each round to outline all of this.
It is particularly annoying when people don't follow directions/instructions when it's right there in front of them. At least burn a few extra calories and post/message me on something other than the comment section of the post that has all of the information that you are seeking.
I don't know much about the airport environment to which Kristen speaks, but I definitely can relate that annoyance to other areas of my life. For sure.
Let's see what Alisha has come up with.....
"When people talk loudly on their phones in public places."
It's true that such things can be annoying....to some.... not me, but I can see how that is annoying to other people. Maybe it's because I am often fascinated with the life/world of other people (perhaps I would have made for a good explorer in a past life), but I am always interested in hearing about other peoples' lives. Strangers who I'll never see again? Even better. It's like TV, except better (or, at least, on par) entertainment value.
What's really annoying, to me, is when people are extreme with labeling others (me) as "eavesdropping". For one, you have to go out of your way in order to eavesdrop, that's the whole point of the name: hanging (or dropping) from the eaves and listening in on a private conversation through the window; substantial calories must be burned. However, if I'm minding my own business and someone is talking loud enough for me to hear, I'm no longer eavesdropping; they're now broadcasting -- I can tune in (or out) if I wish.
So, that annoys me when I get called an eavesdropper just because I'm naturally inquisitive and an opportunistic fellow. If you're going to talk about incredibly private/personal/sensitive information, don't do it on a crowded train or a cell phone -- inevitably you're going to end up having to talk louder than you would want to (or should) and share that information with the common folk around you. The day that I start dangling from the rooftop or hiding in a backseat in order to listen in is the day that I can be branded an eavesdropper.
Anyway, since I find people talking loudly on their phones more of an intriguing/potentially-exciting prospect, as opposed to an annoyance, Kristen advances to the Enduring 8; which, in fact, may be her first appearance. Again, I don't keep as detailed statistics as I probably should BUT, regardless, she is headed to the next round and will face the winner of 2) Tara Walsh & 3) Kristin Johnson for the Portland Women's Championship next week!
And now, a quick word from the good people over at My Voice Music -- a top-notch organization that continues to do incredible good within our community by reaching to kids -- of all backgrounds -- and introducing them to the power and therapeutic properties of music. If you are anything like me, you can dig it. Music is a huge part of my life and who I am, that is why I support them and encourage you all to do the same.
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My Voice Music only need 4 people to sign up TODAY to give just $5/month to pass the $200 hump of our monthly giving campaign goal. Who is going to put us over the top?! |
And now, to bring this day to a close, the World Men's Semi-Final match-up between 7) Boone "Diggity" Langston and 11) John "Studzic" Dudzic:
First up, let's get to Boone Diggity, and his view on what is the most annoying thing ever:
(The derogatory label) "Grammar Nazi": The Most Annoying Thing(s) Ever.
I am a teacher. An English teacher. Bad grammar is a pet peeve, but it's not specifically the one I will address today. Sometimes, someone will call me a "Grammar Nazi." It isn't often, mind you, as I'm not even that big of a stickler. However, when it happens, it really grinds my gears!
Have I really committed such a heinous crime against humanity by correcting ones English that they would equate me to a group that enacted one of the most historically recognized genocides? Seriously?
I will give these people some credit as there are some scenarios under which it might be appropriate to call me the GN word. They are as follows: 1) When I start confiscating language, literature and composition text books and piling them up in the parking lot to have a bonfire, then it might be appropriate to call me a Grammar Nazi. 2) When I storm into the homes of citizens and abscond with any paraphernalia that may suggest that individuals might be using incorrect verb tense, then I will accept the accusation suggested by the term Grammar Nazi. 3)When I pack all of my students into t̶r̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶s̶ school buses and send them to a "camp" to "work" on their language skills, then I will give permission for the use of the words Grammar Nazi in my direction.
With exception of the aforementioned scenarios, I find the term incredibly offensive and it should not be used. Acceptable alternatives include "stickler", "perfectionist", and "scholarly gentleman." Of course, it is also perfectly acceptable for other Grammar Nazis to call me "Grammar Nazi.
Strong points on all levels. To me, language is one of those things that often gets (unfairly) persecuted in our modern age. Maybe I just don't think like other people (it's possible), but, really, words are just a collection of symbols (i.e. letters arranged in a certain pattern) that we -- the receiver -- apply a meaning to; ergo, there is no such thing as a "bad" word, because they are valueless until we apply a value to them.
What is offensive to some is not necessarily offensive to all; and what can be interpreted as offensive isn't always intended to be offensive. Everything that we read, hear, or otherwise encounter is ran through our own internal, personal filters and dictionaries, that have been formed by our own unique experiences and background. Case in point: Grammar Nazi is not offensive to me, but I can see why it could be offensive to good people like Boone Diggity. Good talk.
Next up, John "Studzic" Dudzic, who responds with......
"When people call and you don't answer, and then they call repeatedly. Then, when you finally call them back, they don't really have anything to say. Why would you repeatedly call me back if you didn't have anything to say?!?!?!?!"
Interesting. I was thinking that you'd go the route of saying that "if I didn't answer the first time, why did you think I'd answer the second/fourth time" -- but, John Dudzic is a nice guy; so I can see why he went another direction with this one.
I can imagine that being rather annoying, for sure. I don't often talk on the phone -- save for my weekly conversation with the parents', the occasional time I need to contact someone in real time, etc. -- and thus I even more scarcely receive missed calls, let alone multiple missed calls in succession, but it would really annoy me that, hypothetically, if it were to happen, and I got back to said person, to then find out that it was just a casual call or a check-in.
In my mind, multiple calls in succession signifies "trouble", so I'd return the calls under the mindset that something is wrong and I may need to round up a search & rescue party or go all Denzel-like and avenge somebody.
But if they are just crying wolf, well, that will annoy me....and make me upset that I have to take the bazooka back. I really wanted to fire that bazooka, too.
Anyway, this is the last we will see of Studiz in this 2014 Tournament BUT that doesn't mean that you can't go see him at Palaquin Massage!! He's a licensed massage therapist, great guy, and a professional -- he'll get you feeling right and I can guarantee that.

And, with that, we now have half of our Enduring 8 identified and will spend the rest of this week getting the other half ready for the next round of the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions!
May Mayhem Tournament of Champions
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