The highly-anticipated Round 1 "MGD 64" finale for the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions! These final 8 matches include some of the biggest names in the 2014 Tournament, in past Ryan Awards, and other antics that I have orchestrated. Get excited!
To honor America, the much awarded and some-times-medicated...Mariah Carey:
And now, let us get to the much-anticipated Round 1 finale. I may need to evoke some brevity in this day in order to get it all done before going out to the Winnerhawks' game tonight, but we'll see. On with the show!!...
2) Nicole Ison vs. 15) Laura Walsh
World Women's Region
We know quite a bit about Nicole -- the 2011 and 2012 Champion of Champions, thus far, the only repeat champion in Tournament history -- from over the past few years. I'm a fan of Nicole because of how strong and driven she is -- putting herself through school, working incredibly hard, and all to create a better life for her daughter. She is someone that I have an immense amount of respect and admiration for, and someone special in my life, and I'm always a big supporter of her continued happiness.
Laura, on the other hand, may be making her Tournament debut (I say "may be" because I don't keep the level of statistics on the Tournament as I do with the Ryan Awards). In terms of longevity, I have known Laura since, at least, 2nd grade. Maybe 1st grade -- but I have so few memories from that era of life. Even though I haven't seen her in, at least, a solid decade, she will always be one of my favorite people because I remember how awesome she was and how much I liked her while growing up, so that opinion of her is locked in my mind, until she does something to ruin it. However, since I cannot predict the next time that I would likely see her, it's safe to say that that my positive opinion is well-secured.
Unfortunately, her run in the this Tournament is not well-secured, as Nicole is advancing to the Thrilled 32.
5) John Herboth vs. 12) Gig Morris
Portland Men's Region
More familiar names in this Tournament: "Hookah" John Herboth and Gig Morris. If you follow me and my antics much, or happen to know either guy on your own, then I don't need to reiterate the high quality that both guys represent. John & Gig both will come through for you when you need them, very gracious with their time and efforts, and also great to have around because they bring a light-hearted humor to most environments --- unless it's competition-based. I think Gig is probably more of a push-over in that sense; that's why he was a runner. We know that he's not a fighter, because Gammy straight up KNOCKED. HIM. OUT. when they were sparring in the hallway back in college. Ahh...good times.
When Gig came to, he then went on to great things. While I haven't seen him all that often since he moved across the country to NY/NJ, I hear from Maui and other sources that things are treating him well and that life is good for the great Gig Morris. Meanwhile, back on our side of the continent, John seems to have made final headway in the ongoing battle with his car -- which is a testament to his devotion and commitment to solving a problem, no matter what it takes. The popular opinion for months had been just to burn it, and while the sincerity of those suggestions varied depending on those being polled, John stuck to it and gradually found what was wrong and fixed it...to then find something else wrong, and fix that, too.... but I think he's fixed everything, now, and has gained quite a bit of knowledge through the work that he has put into it.
John is, obviously, advancing to the Thrilled 32 - that shouldn't be a surprise - because I see him more often, due to proximity, and, sometimes, that is all it takes to get an edge in this Tournament of Champions. Hopefully, Gig makes it out West sometime this summer or perhaps to NOLA next year, since he ended up opting out of attending this year. Time will tell.
7) Boone "Diggity" Langston vs. 10) "Beantown Bobby Brown" Martin
World Men's Region
In this battle between Ryan Award legends, Boone Diggity and Beantown Bobby Brown are evenly matched. Each have enjoyed their share of Ryan Award dominance in its early years, and both are some great guys, caring and kind, welcoming and dependable. They are also both fathers and, from what I have seen on the Facebook, really good ones, at that; very naturally good parents. I have always enjoyed and admired Boone Diggity's creativity and ingenuity (i.e. making his own keytar, various Halloween or other-use costumes, etc.), while I've always been a fan of Beantown Bobby Brown's humor and sports-talk. Sports talk doesn't happen too much around the office, so I appreciate it when it does.
While both of them have moved on to bigger and better things in life, only one will be moving on to the next round of this Tournament, and that is Boone Diggity.
4) Elia Unverzagt vs. 13) Emily Wizola
World Women's Region
One of my lone regrets over the past few years was not realizing how awesome Emily was while I saw her more regularly. I used to work with Emily but seldom talked to her, until the last like 3 months that we worked together when I found out that she was into: football, video games, and hip-hop/rap classics! I don't know how a native of Minnesota gets into the rap scene of the Deep South, but I applauded it. Growing up a big rap fan, I have had to water down my rap references because most of my co-workers don't understand the references. Anyway, that is one of my lone regrets from the past few years. It would not have changed Emily moving on to bigger and better things, but it would have made my previous couple of years more interesting, for sure. The office is an environment that needs flavor brought to it.
Speaking of flavor and music, Elia has an uncanny resemblance to Katy Perry. I don't know much about Katy Perry or her songs, BUT I am somewhat confident that Katy Perry isn't as much fun as Elia -- or so the tabloids would have me believe. Elia amazes me because she is insanely busy: incredibly hard-working during the day, volunteering her expertise and efforts for My Voice Music in her spare time, and also, from what I see on the Facebook, has quite the social calendar as well. For her to be able to juggle so many events, responsibilities, and still maintain her near-iconic smile is a marvel in itself. I was going to reference a Katy Perry song just now, but the only one that I know off hand is the one about kissing a girl and liking it; and, even as the segue king, that is a tough transition to make. In order to take something off of her plate, I'll advance Emily to the Thrilled 32! But both of them are great and equally admirable!
And, now, let's take a quick commercial break.........
Welcome back, and we continue with the second half of the Round 1 Finale....
3) Andrew "BDub" Fuchs vs. 14) Michael Walsh
Portland Men's Region
In this match-up, we have two University of Portland former Residence Life all-stars in Andrew "BDub" Fuchs, and Michael Walsh. I have known both of these guys for quite awhile -- Mike since my arrival on campus, and BDub since Junior year -- and they are both great guys in their own respects. Not many folks in this Tournament probably know Mike personally (although, a few certainly do), and not many folks in this Tournament probably understand the Bizzle Wondizzle. But as someone who knows them both somewhat well (I would say) -- maybe more so BDub from living with him and hanging out with him much more -- I can say that they are both guys that I enjoy being around, communicating with, and generally enjoy their company.
It is a tough decision to make, as to who should advance to the Thrilled 32, because both guys certainly have a good claim to the advancement. I think that I'll have to go higher seed on this one, though, and advance the Bizzle Wondizzle to the Thrilled 32.
1) Andy Gorder vs. 16) Stephen Cannon
Portland Men's Region
I've known Andy since my sophomore year of college when he and John Zimmer were my kitty-corner neighbors. While I have no idea what happened to Zimmer over the years (probably went on to be a successful dentist somewhere.... somewhere sunny, I imagine), I keep in communication with Gorder -- more so throughout football season; which, to contrary belief, is not September to the first Sunday of February... it probably covers 11 months of the year, due to pockets of activity during the off-season. Anyway, Andy is one of the few Seahawks fans that I was happy for when the Seahawks won the Super Bowl. Unlike some reported "fans" who wouldn't know the schedule (note: there are only 16 regular season games...it's not like baseball, hockey, or basketball), or do silly antics like taping bags of Skittles to the wall each time they won, with the plan of eating them like cereal after they won the Super Bowl -- which I'm not sure was followed through with (by the way, it was Holcomb that opened the bag... in case that is still a mystery).
Football aside, Andy is married to Debbie -- whose awesomeness raises Andy's awesomeness by association and proximity -- and he is a teacher of kids with special needs (I believe), who also devotes some of his time to being a track/CC/some other running-based activity coach -- where he is successful and appreciated, based upon the trophy that his team gave him in the past. All-in-all, Andy is a great guy and if I pass through the SLC, I'll have to visit, for sure.
Stephen, another native Washingtonian, I have gotten to know better over the last year or so, but have known who he is from various parties stretching way back in the day. I enjoy Stephen's sense of humor and his general laid-back demeanor. In a group that has some animated and loud folks, it's a good change of pace to have a mellower presence, as well. While I don't know Stephen all that well, I have recently discovered his knack, and penchant, for trash-talking and I'm a fan. It takes a lot of courage and fun confidence to talk-trash so openly about the #1 seed and the defending Tournament Champion of Champions.
Sure, a #16 seed has never beaten the #1 seed, but, then again, the #16 seed never talks a big game about beating the #1 seed. Which is why this match-up, typically, is never seen in a "Marquee Match-Up"; it's usually a foregone conclusion that the #1 seed will advance. In order to switch things up, I'll pull a Game of Thrones and knock off one of the Tournament's favorite stars in the first round. Stephen advances to the Thrilled 32.
#BoomShakaLaka #ThatJustHappened #NoOneIsSafe
8) Meredith Jaeger vs. 9) Jessica Knister
Portland Women's Region
Yet ANOTHER tough match-up today. Being in the Portland Women's Region is remarkably competitive -- I know so many great women from the U to begin with. So, when it is the match-up of the #8 seed against the #9 seed, in said highly competitive region, everything is pretty much a wash.
Jessica, as a UP nurse (and my opinion of UP nurses is well-documented), is one of the hardest working folks that I know; nurses pull crazy long shifts, typically have to deal with unsavory people (or their families), and, as prior mentioned (and unbelievably so) have to endure a lot of criticism from the people that they are trying to help. I know that if I ever find myself in a hospital that I'll be the patient ever. Jessica is also a great hostess - having us over for the 49ers games in the past and just being a genuine delight to be around.
Similarly, Meredith is one of the sweeter women that I know, a lot of fun, and super kind and considerate. The last time that I saw her, at her birthday party, her friends had planned a surprise party at a bar prior to her openly-scheduled birthday dinner. Needless to say, the timing didn't stick to the schedule, and so when her friend(s) were trying to get her to stop at the bar -- for the surprise party -- she was resisting because she knew that they were running late for the dinner, and she didn't want to let people down. She's just a caring person like that. I didn't get to talk to her too much at the party because, again, she associates with a lot of great people and a lot of great people showed up to support and celebrate her; and it just so happens that she started on the opposite side of the room and had to slowly move her way towards our side. To be fair, had she started on our side, we would have had first dibs and they'd be the ones writing about not spending as much time with her at the party. That's how it goes sometimes.
Because this match-up is really a wash, as prior mentioned, I'll take the easy way out and advance Meredith to the Thrilled 32, as the higher seed -- albeit, just one spot higher. It is a tough call to make and, either way, it is the right call.
And now, the Round 1 Finale "Marquee Match-Up", presented by The Fast Food Connoisseur, who reminds you that you should always "check here, before you eat there":
6) Janelle Johnson vs. 11) Lily Rees
World Women's Region
This match-up was selected as the "Marquee Match-Up" for the day because I have known Janelle and Lily for about the same length of time, and through the same people. Furthermore, when I see one, I also see the other. They are both lovely women who bring energy and fun to whatever group they are in -- be it a bar, at a house party, or even on the kickball diamond.
Lily is a riot to be around because I've only ever seen her smiling and laughing, full of energy, and great at getting the party going. While I didn't witness it, apparently, she also can hold her own in a small bar fight, too! I was impressed to have heard the tale. It is unfortunate that Lily isn't able to come to the Winnerhawks' game tonight because, as I hope I have made quite clear, she definitely brings fun to the party and, with a group as big as ours, there is a lot of fun to be had!
Similarly, Janelle brings a lot of the same energy and fun to every situation. With her bright smile (accented by signature lip stick) and even brighter (blonde) hair, she has a way of lighting up the room through her sense of humor, electric personality, and also her familiarity and fanfare of rap music. I do believe that the first time I ever met her -- at Friday Night Volleyball -- it was her proclamation of "What ya really waaaaant?!?!" when she arrived on the sand, which, to me, is a clear reference to D-M-X (uh) and his classic "What's My Name" (the edited version). If she wasn't referencing that song, then talk about a coincidence. That's amazing. Unlike Lily, though, Janelle is going to the Winnerhawks' game with us tonight, so that should be great fun, and Janelle is also advancing to the Thrilled 32 to be held next week!
What a finale!!! I'll probably take Saturday off and then post the 2nd Round / Thrilled 32 schedule for next week on Sunday. You all have a great Friday night and weekend if I don't hear from you throughout either.
Tournament Commissioner
May Mayhem Tournament of Champions
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