As we get ready to begin the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions, I must start off by saying that, quite literally, none of this Tournament is possible without you Good People; so an applause and sincere thanks to everyone. While being a borderline recluse (or, as Gig Morris describes, like the Great Gatsby), it is true that I do not often expand my social circles, and am not one to associate with just anyone. I have high standards for the people in my life and that should speak volumes to what you all -- as well as the others that missed the Tournament this year -- represent.
It is always a challenge, and a lot of second-guessing, when it comes to selecting 64 awesome people from a collective sea of awesome people. However, in addition to being awesome and appreciated (of course), #65 and beyond have one more thing in common with 63 of you in this Tournament: you're going to enter the month of June falling short of being crowned the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament Champion of Champions. It's going to happen.
As we embark on this journey, though, there will be some fun twists, some unforeseen upsets, as well as some likely foreseen decisions. Regardless, know that you all are great people that I respect and care for and, while only one of you will be the 2014 Champion of Champions, you all are winners and champions in your own right.
All of that said, let us move on to the Tournament....
To honor Canada, this YouTube video of some (presumably) Canadians singing "O Canada" with a static image of the Canadian flag:It is always a challenge, and a lot of second-guessing, when it comes to selecting 64 awesome people from a collective sea of awesome people. However, in addition to being awesome and appreciated (of course), #65 and beyond have one more thing in common with 63 of you in this Tournament: you're going to enter the month of June falling short of being crowned the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament Champion of Champions. It's going to happen.
As we embark on this journey, though, there will be some fun twists, some unforeseen upsets, as well as some likely foreseen decisions. Regardless, know that you all are great people that I respect and care for and, while only one of you will be the 2014 Champion of Champions, you all are winners and champions in your own right.
All of that said, let us move on to the Tournament....
AND NOW......to honor America, this YouTube video of 5x Grammy Award winner; 3x Female Vocalist of the Year; the 2004 People's Choice for Favorite Female Musical Performer; the 2006 Favorite Country Female Artist; you know her from the opening song of Sunday Night Football on NBC; the pride of Mississippi; the incredibly talented, and always lovely Faith Hill:
The MGD 64 - Round 1 : Day 1
Starting off this
year's Tournament with a strong offering of evenly-matched folks, and
capping it with, arguably, one of the most interesting match-ups of the
entire Tournament. Incredible that this one is coming in the first day
of the first round, really. Ladies first....
1) Jennifer Mattson vs. 16) Kathleen Herboth
Women's World Region
I have known Jennifer now for *thinks intently* I believe about 5-6 years.... *re-thinks intently*...at least 4 years; 4+ years.... and it has been a great experience. Jennifer is special in my life because she an easy representation of parts of my own self that are not as freely explored. Her adventurous spirit that took her on a few month tour of SE Asia, her creativity and humor, as well as her strength and resiliency are all attributes that I admire and respect, because, despite my inquisitive nature, I don't know if I have the courage and strength to do what she has done. It's a marvel, to me. In addition, she is the mastermind behind my signature look -- and, for the few hours after I leave her shop (until I take a shower and ruin it), I am ... without doubt or reservation... the sexiest man alive. I am 100% serious. If you don't believe me, that is too bad because I'm also a responsible man and so I go straight home afterwards, so as not to have to leave broken hearts in my wake.
I know Kathleen mostly through her brothers (John & Glenn) and through Friday Night Volleyball at the U of P (since she moved back to Portland), and, of course, Sloshball/kickball games, and so I can say quite confidently that Kathleen is the sort of great person and friend that I have come to expect from the Herboth family. She has a great will and strength in her commitments, but also is a lot of fun to be around, too. She also holds the rare distinction of being the only time I've ever seen a Herboth out Herbothed...by another Herboth. And, while her enthusiasm and competitive spirit is much appreciated, it will not get her over Jennifer into the Thrilled 32.
4) Nate Sheets vs. 13) Andrew Salzman
Men's World Region
For the past few years, Nate Sheets had been one of my favorite people in the office environment. He brought just the right amount of comedy, intellect, and sass that made the office hum at a different level. He also introduced the slang term "asassynate" to describe when one has been sassed by Nate; typically, to the point that they have no response or ability to react. Thus, they had been asassynated. Anyway, since he moved on to bigger and better things....in Salem.....the office hasn't been the same. It is said that your worth is best measured after you are gone, and, if that is true, then Nate Sheets was worth a substantial amount; that entire side of the building has been, by and large, a bore and dull ever since he left.
Truth be told, I have only met Andrew once and that interaction was just a few hours long as he hung out with us on Fat Tuesday in NOLA. Oh NOLA. Mardi Gras was a wild time. Andrew makes it into the Tournament because he proved himself to be just as awesome as anyone else in the Tournament: he is an apparent blogger/expert on fast food (yeah, apparently such a thing exists) -- if you're curious, as I was, he says that...politics aside... Chick-fil-a is the best of the best; he also was kind enough to buy us a round of Hurricane's at Pat O'Brien's, as a thank you gesture for letting him hang out with us (he was solo that night); and he left our party early because he was crashing at a friend's house (who was not out partying) and didn't want to be "that guy" that stumbles into the host's house drunk and loud in the wee hours of the morning -- since we were pulling an all-nighter that night. That's quite the considerate nature, I'd say.
Furthermore, Andrew seemed a bit more excited about the Tournament than did Nate Sheets and so, that fire and heart to win has just got Andrew into the second round of the 2014 Tournament of Champions. #NOLA
3) Kristin Johnson vs. 14) Carly Rodriguez
Women's Portland Region
Both Kristin and Carly have great personalities and sense of humor - which is good for both them and for me, because I have been known to harass both of them from time-to-time for things like the Seahawks and forgetting one's ID when going through airport security, about an hour before one's flight departs. After all, you kind of need your ID to do things, so it's best to keep that thing handy.
I have known Carly for quite a while, as our time at the U of P did overlap; whereas, I have only gotten to know Kristin in the last year or two. I have always like Carly for her spirit and strength, as well as her sense of humor and just being fun to be around, and her intelligence and commitment (you don't get through the education that she has without all of that). It's unfortunate that I don't see Carly as much during the off-season because, Lord knows, I lose interest in seeing her during the football season -- blue and neon green are ugly color pairings... I don't care what anyone says. Speaking of the Seahawks......
Kristin is similar to Carly in a lot of the same ways, and that's why I enjoy seeing her. I see Kristin more frequently, due to shared social circles, and also had a fun time with her in NOLA for Mardi Gras this past March. She's a trooper -- despite a foot injury sustained while training for a race, she continued to battle through the discomfort of the injury and walk a bunch with us through the often-dirty streets of New Orleans. I tipped my cap to that effort. One thing that I have always admired and respected about Kristin is that she takes that effort into other areas of life: she works for a small agency in Portland (I believe only like 3 people) that produces some pretty big work around town -- so for her to be able to juggle all of the demands from work and still maintain her social life (and sanity), it's a really great mark of the type of character that she has. I can dig it. Even if she loses her ID from time-to-time, that's okay; because she has yet to lose her sense of humor about it. And, fortunately, she doesn't need her ID in order to advance to the second round of the Tournament, because that is where she is headed. #NOLA
8) Pat Bradach vs. 9) Pat Holcomb
Men's World Region
This is one match-up that, I believe, has happened every year in the Tournament; or at least it seems like a very reliable one to have: Bradach vs. Holcomb; Pat vs. Pat. It's unfortunate that I don't see these guys that often because they are both a lot of fun in their own respective ways. They both have equally fun personalities and are great plotters of antics, although, their styles are a bit different. I'm getting excited for the summer time, as that is the one season that I see these guys at parties, Friday Night Volleyball, coast trips, and other fun times like that. It should be good. Speaking of good, I'm told that I need to watch "24" and it's coming up pretty quick. I don't know if either Pat is on the grid at this time -- I don't think I see or hear much from either of them and so they may be off doing their own thing right now; which is good for them. And, it just got a little bit better for Bradach because, whether he knows it or not, he has just advanced to the Thrilled 32.
I'm going to take a break to watch the season premiere of the latest installment of "24". This show is crazy! I may have watched some of the first season (how ever many years back that was) but, so far, this show is crazy. Although, while I have Jack Bauer, American hero, on the mind, it is a pleasant and apt segue to the next match-up.... after this brief commercial break....
And now, on with the Tournament....
5) Haley Terndrup vs. 12) Jenne Wagner
Women's World Region
I don't know if Jenne Wagner considers herself an American hero, however, I think that the title is appropriate. To my knowledge, she has spent a bulk of the last decade either in the military or through some sort of contractor-role abroad. Full disclosure: I have no idea what all she did -- maybe it was top-secret and super cool... or maybe it was working from a command center... I have no idea. What I do know, though, is that she was half-way around the world, away from her friends and family, and that sort of sacrifice and commitment is one that I truly respect and admire. I would argue that the definition of heroism is doing something -- regardless of the personal toll -- for the betterment of the whole, and, in that definition, I definitely consider Jenne to be a hero. She is also quite fun to be around -- granted, it has been awhile since I last saw her but, now that she is back in the States AND on the best coast (West Coast), social interaction is much more doable.
Speaking of social interaction, I met Haley officially about 2 months ago.... actually, this time two months ago, it was Ash Wednesday and I was readjusting to post-Mardi Gras life. What made Haley a lot of fun to be around was her spirit and energy. She had been billed, by Kristin, as "essentially, another [Kristin]", which, initially, I was skeptical of -- see the above; Kristin is kind of a big deal -- but, Haley lived up to the hype. While I have no basis of comparison for Mardi Gras in NOLA -- it was the first time that I had been -- Maui had gone before and had said that the Core Four were the best arrangement of people. Each one of us brought something to the table and it was a great experience. As most of my interactions with Haley were at Mardi Gras -- or through Facebook Group conversations in preparation for Mardi Gras -- I don't know much about Haley on a personal level, except that: she must be focused and a hard-worker, as I read that she got into grad school recently (congratulations, by the way); she also is a reliable and effective wing-woman for her friends; and she was kind enough to extend the friendship-branch if I am able to attend one of the 49ers' games this season -- since, I believe, she lives in the Santa Clara/South Bay area, and that is pretty cool of her. Oh, and did I mention that she came to Mardi Gras with us? When most of the other "maybes" and even the other "hosts" backed out? Yeah. That's pretty cool. And even though I have known Jenne longer and hung out with her more due to that extended time length, NOLA was an awesome time and so I'm having Haley join up with Kristin in the Thrilled 32. #NOLA
6) Chris Gammy Gamenthaler vs. 11) Ken Hallenius
Men's Portland Region
I believe that I've known Gammy, now, for about 10yrs, I reckon. I've always enjoyed Gammy because he keeps it real and is a chill guy to have around (even though, I don't see him around all that often anymore). From what the Facebook tells me, he's pretty hard core into climbing now; and, last report that I heard about him (from another person), was Ace Griffin who said that Gammy is near-unrecognizable nowadays... or at least to Ace Griffin. Apparently, Gammy is rocking a manly beard....for some reason, I picture him looking like the "star" of the Duck Dynasty show -- not the old man but the son; I don't know names -- except, instead of duck callers, Gammy is into climbing. The bandana is still there, though.
Ken I have known for a bit longer, through my initial affiliations with the Office of Residence Life upon my arrival on campus freshman year. Ken's a great guy because he has genuine invested interest in the lives of the people that he knows and cares about. It makes his role in Alumni Relations that much more effective because he can bond and relate to just about everyone -- whether it is intellectual conversations, theological discussions, all sorts of jokes and humor, and even some sports banter -- and that makes him a valuable friend, in my opinion. I tip my hat to the good fellow for putting in a good word for me in my past attempts to rejoin the campus community, and I do hope to be able to return the favor at some point.
I'm not entirely sure why I wasn't able to tag Gammy anymore -- I was either unfriended or perhaps he went off the grid to focus on his climbing and beard maintenance -- so I don't think he will be too upset when he finds out that Ken just advanced past him in the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions.... whenever he rejoins civilization.
7) Katrina VanSooy vs. 10) Megan Craine Parrott
Women's Portland Region
While I have known Megan since we took a Philosophy... or theology? It was a class about death but I don't recall if it was a philosophical-based or theological-based class; it was interesting, though; I enjoyed it.....class at the U, I cannot -- with great confidence -- say that I have ever actually spoken to Megan; and, certainly, do not think that I have ever seen her socially. Regardless, thanks to the power of the Internet and Facebook, I get to see how awesome of a mom she is, how hard-working and committed she is, her sense of humor, and her resiliency. I also respect and admire her willingness to listen to people, as well as to offer up her thoughts and opinions. While I do disagree with the general use of unnecessary "U"s in words (i.e. colour... it's unnecessary, "color" works just as well), that is hardly a divisive or monumental difference in opinion that would distract or divert the overwhelming respect that I have for her.
Likewise, Katrina -- like other nurses, and, especially, UP nurses -- has my respect and admiration for being one of the nicest and most caring people that I know, and that is in addition to being a nurse. I will never understand the abuse that some patients (and/or their families) put nurses through because I can only imagine the stresses of their job. Despite that, I have never seen Katrina unhappy or anything less than pleasant; which is great for everyone because she has a great smile -- it would be a shame if it disappeared for any notable stretch of time. I don't see Katrina all that often, but when Tara & Greg get their summer soirees going in a few weeks/months, I reckon our circles will, once again, overlap. And, when they do, at least they will overlap with her being, at the least, one of the Thrilled 32 in the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions -- after her trek last year ended with a first-round loss to the aforementioned Tara Walsh.
And now, the Round 1 : Day 1 "Marquee Match-Up", presented by the Foster Family Care Network, reminding you that you can open your home and change a child's life -- please contact them if you, or someone you know, would be interested in providing foster care to local kids in need. And, if that's not your thing, there are plenty of other ways to help support local kids in our community.....
2) Chris Maui Taketa vs. 15) Pat Guamie Carayoan
Men's Portland Bracket
Maui and Guamie... it is quite the match-up, indeed. I've known both of these guys for almost my entire time in Portland; Guamie slightly longer from freshmen year, however, I lived next door to Maui and so the duration of time I've actually spent with them is probably about even. In fact, actually, Maui may have a slight edge in that department because he didn't go MIA in Houston/Sugar Love (or whatever that town is called) for the past year...it seems.
Maui rolls into this Tournament as the 2013 Ryan Award MVP, already arranging an arsenal of Ryan Award considerations for 2014, and was the chief designer of the 2014 Mardi Gras trip -- in a way, if we were the Fantastic Four, he would have to be Mr. Fantastic.... (that was the guy's name, right?).... regardless, Maui had good claim at the #1 seed in the Portland Men's Region, but I gave the nod of respect to Gorder (the defending Champion of Champions). Arguably, the best compliment that I can pay to Maui is that he is remarkably reliable and is, quite possibly, the most generous person that I know. He's a good guy and a good friend and it's too bad that he was out looking to buy those foam pucks for the Huck-a-Puck contest at the Winnerhawks (aka Portland Winterhawks) game this past weekend. Not only did he miss his chance on the Kiss Cam, BUT we also missed out on that $50 + Lottery ticket prize.
Meanwhile, despite being a guy of equal character and orchestrator of good times, Guamie came quite close to not being in the Tournament this year -- which would have marked the first time ever that the other Kings of the Castle failed to make the Tournament (Ace Griffin missed the cut this year, as did Ty Griffin...who is still mad at me from the Jerry Rice Incident of 2011). Perhaps Spaz remembered his name from infancy, as Guamie had a solid role in his upbringing when he was just a mere, mouse-sized kitten? Maybe Spaz remembered that Guamie threw the best parties in town (even though Spaz wasn't allowed to participate)? Or was it pure chance that Spaz picked that cat treat over the others lined up in front of him? We'll never know just why Spaz picked him off the bubble and into the Tournament, but he did.
Unfortunately, Spaz isn't picking the Thrilled 32, and I'm uniting the Core Four or the Fantastic Four or the Fab Four (we had a few names) into the next round of the Tournament. Although, with Guamie back in town, I look forward to the summer ahead and the RFC tournaments to continue. They were few and far between in his absence. #NOLA
That will do it for Round 1 : Day 1 of the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions. Congratulations to the 8 of you that advanced this night and a round of applause to those of you who go to bed (or awake in the morning) with the realization that the Tournament continues without you. Thanks for reading and there shouldn't be anything on my Tuesday calendar to delay that post. So, those of you on the East Coast can stop whining about how I'm favoring the West Coast by posting so late at night. Hey, I don't even get home from work until 8:30pm ET, so cut me some slack, and we'll do it again tomorrow.
Tournament Commissioner
May Mayhem Tournament of Champions
ReplyDeleteSuck it, losers.