To honor Canada, a sort of goofy-looking guy doing a one-man a capella version of "O Canada":
1) Aneel Arya vs. 16) Wes Wambold
World Men's Region
Aneel is probably the most amped-up, energetically-charged player in the Tournament this year. After falling short in the Championship last year, he vowed to come back strong in 2014, and, so far, based on his tags, his propaganda, and the fact that he was the only one who filled out a bracket... he means business this year. His shocking run to the Championship last year was enough to warrant him the top-seed in his Region this year, and he's out to prove something. Outside of here, I don't know a whole lot about Aneel aside from that he's a dual citizen of these United States and of Canada; has a daughter who he seems quite committed and adoring of; and works in the HR-side of an office environment. He's a big NOLA fan, as well, and, while it was unfortunate that he couldn't make the trip down the Mississippi River for Mardi Gras this year, perhaps he'll make it out for 2015. The odds of it being another cold Mardi Gras is highly unlikely, so I'm looking forward to it. I may even go for a little longer next time.
Meanwhile, Wes I have known since high school, although, I don't think I have seen him since high school graduation. Despite (like me) leaving the hometown for better pastures on the coast, he is still very vocally supportive and proud of the hometown and home state... and I don't get that. I have no beef with Albuquerque but, at the same time, there's a reason that I'm not living there anymore. For me to talk about how awesome it is would fall short in credibility since it, apparently, is not awesome enough for me to decide to live there. I'm an "actions speak louder than words" type of guy.... as I use my words to convey the point, haha. Even though I haven't seen or hung out with Wes since high school -- and before he went off the grid -- I always enjoyed reading his posts and accounts (usually about interactions with various people in NYC), because it's an environment that I haven't experienced before. At some point, I'll venture east but I don't know when. Not too surprisingly, especially since Wes is currently off the grid (he always comes back, though), but Aneel is not getting tripped up in the first round - he came to win and he'll have another battle next week in the Thrilled 32.
2) Tara Walsh vs 15) Caitlin McAllister
Portland Women's Region
I've known Tara now for, almost, 10yrs, and she is just as much fun now as she was back then. There are a lot of reasons that I think highly of Tara, and, since I'm in a listing-type mood right now, I'll give a few of them: 1) She's incredibly kind and welcoming - as her collection of victories and nominations for the "Hostess with the Mostest" in the Ryan Awards clearly represents; 2) She has a great sense of humor, much like my own, and I've never had a dull time with Tara...especially once Honest Tara makes an appearance in the evening; and, 3) She's incredibly dependable and reliable - she's never let me down and I reckon that is the type of person that would do everything in her power to help out someone she cared about. She's just that good-natured type of person.
Meanwhile, I always enjoyed classes with Caitlin back at the U, because, as I recall, in the group projects that I did with her, she always brought her positive energy, diligent work, kind smile, and sense of humor -- you can't ask for a much better team member, in that respect. While I don't think I have seen her since college, I have enjoyed seeing her pop-up on my News Feed or Timeline or whatever it is called nowadays, and she appears to retain that same spirit, smile, and good nature that I recall from the ole college days. If I ever find myself meandering through Arizona (...maybe on the first Sunday of February......), I will certainly aim to reconnect with her in person. In the meantime, I'll have to make do with the Facebook transmissions, just as she will have to make do with following the rest of the 2014 Tournament from the side lines, as Tara is advancing to the Thrilled 32.
4) Allison Able vs. 13) Alisha Finke
Portland Women's Region
Allison and Alisha are both some of my favorite people from the Portland bracket. Why? Well, for one, both of them are people that I look up to (well...I'm taller than both of them, but you know what I mean) because they have a lot of great attributes in terms of work-ethic, caring, and good humor. Also, did I mention that they're football fans?!?!?! Granted, Alisha's allegiances are with the Seahawks (meh) and Allison is a Niner's fan (hooray!), but football is a great game and, so, via their fanfare - at the very least, they are equally great people.
All jest aside, I've always enjoyed Alisha -- even though, the first few times that I met her (back at the U), I thought her name was pronounced "Alicia" an she just had a crazy way of spelling it -- because she has a great sense of humor, very friendly, and just one of those people that you feel good knowing. Much like Carly, it's unfortunate that I don't hang out with Alisha much during the off-season (or at all, really) because I have to limit my interactions with her during the football season. Although, while I'm not happy that the Seahawks won the Super Bowl, I am happy for her (and a few select others) that they were able to partake in the joy of the accomplishment.
Meanwhile, Allison has been rather inspiring with her apparent dominance in the realm of physical fitness -- I get sore just looking at the pictures of her accomplishments -- as well as her ability to put events together with remarkable ease. I suppose, one could say, that she has "it" -- since she put up an invite for a series of activities one day (on a rainy day, no less) and near-instantly got people willing to play.... a lot of the same people that ignored my suggested activity day(s) when the weather was actually nice. So, yeah, she must have something that I don't, but, I don't particularly care -- despite my constantly bringing it up -- because, after all, I just wanted to play.... I wasn't picky on who organized the games. And, so, I have a great deal of respect and admiration for all that Allison has accomplished and, unfortunately, advancing to the Thrilled 32 isn't in the cards for her tonight, but I reckon that she'll use it for motivation in her other pursuits.
6) Amy Barker vs. 11) Debbie Gorder
Portland Women's Region
Debbie is awesome. Not only does she have a history of
getting rowdy at NBA games (and hating on the Blazer fans for whining), or
somehow interacting with a mechanical whale in New Orleans, but also just really
being awesome like surprising Andy with a flight back home for the Super Bowl so
that he could celebrate with his Seahawk-loving family; that’s just awesome. In
addition to the awesome and fun times that Debbie regularly seems involved with,
she also is an awesome mom and a UP nurse – which speaks for itself (UP nurses
are the best of the bunch). It may have been a good thing that Debbie didn't end up coming to NOLA with us for Mardi Gras... even though I kept her posted on the flight specials from the SLC to NOLA, and pointed out that Andy owed her big for the aforementioned Super Bowl surprise.... I don't know if we can hang with her, but maybe next year we will find out.
As awesome as Debbie is, I cannot recall the last time that I saw her -- it probably was college, though. In fact, I don't really remember what her or Andy sound like... and I have to really try and think about what Debbie's maiden name is, too. Wow. It's been awhile.
Anyway, I have seen Amy more recently - specifically, I bought a futon cushion from her that she wasn't bringing with her cross-country to Florida many years back - and have been kept informed on her awesomeness and adventures via the magic of Facebook. While I don't think I've hung out with Amy much socially (or, at least not that I can recall....that one time at the Eve 6/Good Charlotte show that UP hosted back in college is the only immediate example that I have), she seems to be living it up in Florida these days -- AND in the Tampa area, which, the news tells me, is the normal part of Florida.... all of the bizarre and weird Florida stories tend to come from the eastern shore and Miami-area. When she's not get her dance on and embarking on a 365 photo project, she's changing lives in the classroom, and it's only fitting that on this, Teacher Appreciation Day, that she gets another treat by advancing into the Thrilled 32!
And now, let's take a quick commercial break......
And now, let's take a quick commercial break......
Okay, coming out of the commercial break, I'm starting to get a little tired of sitting in this chair. Let's do this....
7) Michael Agosta vs. 10) Matt Knister
Portland Men's Region
Agosta and I go way back. I met him my first day of college, when he lived next door, and then we were roommates sophomore year. To my knowledge, up to that point, he had only had one other roommate ever, thus, likely, making me the best roommate he'd ever had. Now, he went off to Creighton and perhaps that has changed, but that's how it goes sometimes. Mike's a great guy -- even though I think he may get annoyed by "Mike", as I think he only introduces himself as Michael... hmm... maybe I wasn't a great roommate, haha -- because he's a reliable and dependable guy, who has your back if you need him. He's also a rare breed who will give it his all (in pick-up games, for example) but still maintain that light-hearted and fun side.
Similarly, Matt is one of the chillest guys that I know -- even when telling a story that he was (reportedly) mad in, you can't really tell... he does need to tell you that he was mad, otherwise you would have no idea. That sort of disposition and demeanor is great to have in the group because he keeps a very calm presence -- which balances out some of the theatrics from the more-animated folks in the group.
3) Trent Finlay vs. 14) Thien Nguyen
World Men's Region
Trent and Thien are, also, an interesting match-up because they both are guys that I don't know all that well -- on a personal level -- but, regardless, have always been impressed by in my interactions. I've known Trent through my various appearances in My Voice Music, where he has applied his social media expertise to helping MVM with a host of promotional and development initiatives. Meanwhile, I know Thien through the Griffin family -- Tim "Ace" Griffin and Ty Griffin, who, reportedly, still has blacklisted me for the infamous Jerry Rice Incident of 2011 -- and I had played pick-up football games with him a few years back, prior to his move to the east coast. Cool guy, chill, and fun to be around.
Both of them had a bit of interest and intrigue in the Tournament, when I started tagging people as they were seeded -- and that's always good; engaged and interested folks are always more interesting to me than the alternatives -- and it's a bummer that not both of them could be advanced (as both would make an excellent "Dark Horse" in the Tournament, as John Herboth describes). That said, Trent will advance onto the Thrilled 32 because I see him more often, in fact, I'll be seeing him tomorrow night for an MVM meeting, but if I ever make it out to the Boston-area, I'll be sure to attempt a reconnect with Thien.
5) Justin Cumnock vs. 12) James O'Boyle
World Men's Region
This match-up is an interesting one because Cumnock and James, in some ways, are actually quite similar -- both work hard, have similar senses of humor, and are guys that I don't see all that often. I interact more with Cumnock at various parties and through the Facebook - as we share more common social circles; whereas, I don't see James as much as I used to, when he lived with Tara, but when I have ran into him it's never a dull time.
Both of these guys are guys that I like and respect because they haven't let me down and, through the other company that they keep, I know that they're good people to know. While both of these guys could, also, be great "Dark Horse" contenders to mess up brackets.... or "bracket", since Aneel was the only one to play the Bracket Challenge this year..... I'm going to advance Cumnock to the Thrilled 32 because I see him more often.
Both of these guys are guys that I like and respect because they haven't let me down and, through the other company that they keep, I know that they're good people to know. While both of these guys could, also, be great "Dark Horse" contenders to mess up brackets.... or "bracket", since Aneel was the only one to play the Bracket Challenge this year..... I'm going to advance Cumnock to the Thrilled 32 because I see him more often.
And now, the Round 1 : Day 2 "Marquee Match-Up", presented by.... well, just me tonight, as I don't have an identified "sponsor" for the Marquee Match-Up tonight (if you have something to plug, let me know! I'm open to suggestions).......
8) Calley "CalBrow" Ekberg vs. 9) Odessa Adams
World Women's Region
There is no regular season to go off of, here, but – if
there was – I reckon that Calley and Odessa would finish the season with the
same record; with Calley, in this case, winning the tie-breaker (the #8 seed)
due to her rich Ryan Award
history - it is ample.
I've known Calley now for, oh, about 5-6 years now, I reckon, and she is one of my favorite people because she has a great balance of being kind, sweet, friendly, welcoming, caring, and humorous. Even though, I don't see Calley all that much socially -- I think that I've ran into her at some recent MVM events, but, other than that, just past Ryan Awards Ceremonies and one of the Castle's Farewell Parties (I think the first one... there were two, and I think she attended the first one, which was surprising... I didn't think that she would). Regardless, she is someone that I invite to things when I think she'd be interested in them because she is great to have around, and I cannot think of anything negative to say about her. She even sort of looks like the adult, real-life version of Sally Brown (Charlie Brown's little sister... conveniently, their first names also rhyme.... dig)....a comparison that, while I think she has acknowledged, she refuses to embrace.
Similarly, Odessa was one of my favorite people around the office while she lived here in Portland (she has since moved back to California). Not only was she a lot of fun to talk to, and very kind (she even gave me dinosaur stickers, just because), she also is a HUGE Nicolas Cage fan!! One of the few. There are, probably, only about 100 true Nic Cage fans in existence, and I happened to have worked with 2 of them when Odessa was here in Portland. Odessa is someone that I could always count on, was always a lot of fun to hang out with, and also introduced me to more of SE Portland that I, otherwise, would not have likely experienced -- I don't go to SE very often; I'm not a big fan. Unfortunately, for her, though, I'll be advancing Calley to the Thrilled 32 to cap this night.
That will conclude Round 1 : Day 2 of the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions! Congratulations to the 8 of you that advanced to the Thrilled 32 to be held next week -- take some time off to get your mind right for the upcoming battle; there is still a long way to go in this Tournament.
A quick programming note: I'm going to push the last two days of this opening round back a day. I had forgotten about the My Voice Music Development meeting that is tomorrow (Wednesday) night and so, the Wednesday match-up will be on Thursday night, and the formerly-Thursday (highly anticipated Round 1 finale) will now be on Friday night. My apologies for the change in plans.
Tournament Commissioner
May Mayhem Tournament of Champions
Similarly, Odessa was one of my favorite people around the office while she lived here in Portland (she has since moved back to California). Not only was she a lot of fun to talk to, and very kind (she even gave me dinosaur stickers, just because), she also is a HUGE Nicolas Cage fan!! One of the few. There are, probably, only about 100 true Nic Cage fans in existence, and I happened to have worked with 2 of them when Odessa was here in Portland. Odessa is someone that I could always count on, was always a lot of fun to hang out with, and also introduced me to more of SE Portland that I, otherwise, would not have likely experienced -- I don't go to SE very often; I'm not a big fan. Unfortunately, for her, though, I'll be advancing Calley to the Thrilled 32 to cap this night.
That will conclude Round 1 : Day 2 of the 2014 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions! Congratulations to the 8 of you that advanced to the Thrilled 32 to be held next week -- take some time off to get your mind right for the upcoming battle; there is still a long way to go in this Tournament.
A quick programming note: I'm going to push the last two days of this opening round back a day. I had forgotten about the My Voice Music Development meeting that is tomorrow (Wednesday) night and so, the Wednesday match-up will be on Thursday night, and the formerly-Thursday (highly anticipated Round 1 finale) will now be on Friday night. My apologies for the change in plans.
Tournament Commissioner
May Mayhem Tournament of Champions
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