Salutations Good People,
to the final day of the opening round of the 2013 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions.
With the conclusion of yesterday, 24 folks have stamped their tickets for the Thrilled 32 (next
week) and, now, here come the final 8 people to join them on that journey towards becoming the 2013 Champion of Champions!!
We shall start it off today with an interesting match-up....
8) Wes Wambold vs. 9) Keegan KDavis Davis
I reckon one would be hard pressed to find a lot of similarities between Wes and KDavis: KDavis being a teacher here in Portland, born and raised in St. Johns (NoPo represent), meanwhile Wes hails from the hometown and does whatever it is he is doing way out in NYC. The one main similarity that they share, that has them in this Tournament, and in the #8 and #9 seeds, respectively, is their humor and the good times I have interacting with them.
One of the high points of the Amanda-and-now-Julian-Davis Annual Christmas party is getting to hear about all of the ridiculous antics and behaviors of the American student today. It is really fascinating (and sometimes frightening) just how much more advanced -- in almost all capacities, except toughness -- kids are nowadays, than what I remember being like at their age; and few can tell those tales in the manner that KDavis can -- with just the right blending of narrative features, facial expressions, and condescending tone.
Meanwhile, Wes feeds into my addiction for curiosity. For example, just today he posted the Buzz Feed "where are they now?" feature of the original cast of the Power Rangers.... and I said to myself: "Well, here goes a few minutes of my life." Not because I care about the Power Rangers... prior to that moment, I probably had not thought about them in ...... many years.... but I had to follow the link; I just had to. I was curious. And those sorts of random postings, as well as more thought provoking posts, often times get me through an otherwise monotonous day; therefore, they are much appreciated and welcomed.
With both guys being great company in their respective areas, I don't have a clear-cut favorite in this match-up and, so, I'll stick with the seeding as my guide, and advance Wes to the Thrilled 32 next week.
3) Jessica Hicks vs. 14) Michelle Accurso
I’ve known Jessica Hicks for over a decade, I
believe, and the single greatest thing about Jess is that she is
incredibly tolerant. For the better part of a decade, it seems, I have
been making jokes about Canada and Canadians, and she is able to take
it in stride-- despite my oft repeated comedic material and inquiries as
to if Canada is actually part of the United Kingdom (which I think it
is). All of that considered, she truly is one of the most patient
people that I know who also has a good understanding of my sense of
humor and knows that deep down she's quite important to me and a great
friend that happens to live across the continent and thus I interact
with through Facebook chat. But hey, I only pick on those that I care
about so that means that she is in pretty good company.
As for Michelle, I met her when she became the first
female to live in the Castle. Prior to her arrival, it had always been a
male-dominated house (even down to the baby Spaztronaut). Michelle brought her sense of humor and easy-going nature to the
house that complimented the already-cemented dynamics. While Michelle
was not the last female resident of the Castle, she certainly was the
longest tenured, and arguably the most fun of the lot. She was even kind
enough (or forgetful, I don't recall which) to leave Tiki's old
ball-n-track-toy-thing for Spaz to play with; which he does quite
regularly. Perhaps not his favorite toy (nothing compares to twisty-ties for the little guy), he does like that one better than any "real" toy that I have bought him. And while Michelle moved to Louisiana, she still pops up in my News Feed from time to time and so I felt her a fitting candidate to return to the Tournament this year. Sadly, though, much like last year, her Tournament experience will be short lived, as I advance Jess to the next round of the Tournament.
6) Greg Baron vs. 11) Chris Burtner
One of the things that I enjoy about the May Mayhem Tournament of Champions is that it affords the opportunity to think about and, in a way, compare two people who have never met each other and, outside of this connection, probably have no knowledge or interest in the others existence; and, for whatever reason, I find that really interesting. Here's an example: Greg Baron, multi-Ryan Award winner (I believe currently in the Top 10 for most wins, all-time), who I used to work with and, during that era, would hang out with quite a bit -- as I claimed us to be 2 of the 3 funniest people around the office -- but, in the last couple of years, I haven't seen him or had much contact with him. Meanwhile, prior to last October (my brother's wedding) I had heard stories and references to the man known simply as "Burtner" from my brother's college tales, but never met him. Then, I met the guy, as he was my brother's best man, and it turns out that he was a lot of fun and, I would say, a pretty solid best man -- which, if you know my brother and how he works, that is a tall order to fill.
*Side note: As an example for why it would be a challenge being my brother's best man, my brother tends to make willy-nilly plans, in fact, I don't know if I can even call them "plans" but willy-nilly needs a friend in that line and I can't readily think of a more appropriate companion. Initially, we were going to go to Vegas for my brother's bachelor party over Labor Day weekend and I was like: "Awesome, I've never been - sounds fun, let's do it" -- then my brother hints that it may not happen due to his work schedule... then it is happening... then it's probably not going to happen, before (in early/mid August) it is officially cancelled. So, with time off from work already secured, I decide to go visit the parents instead. Can you guess what happens next? Magically, the trip is now back on! ... or is it? You see, for whatever reason, my brother seems to prefer taking his chances flying stand-by and so, when he gave me the call (when I'm already in ABQ, mind you) saying that the trip was back on, if I was able to get up to Vegas for the weekend.....BUT that he was flying stand-by and so it wasn't "for sure" happening... not yet... I decided that I was done with it. IF there were any available seats on a flight... in 2-3 days.... to Vegas... on Labor Day weekend... the price of said seat was not going to be worth it, since I had already booked my Portland-related flights to run through ABQ. So yeah, being his best man could be a bit of a challenge, I imagine. End side note*
I would have given up -- like I did with the Vegas trip (or demanded 100% control -- and I'm not even a controlling-type, haha) -- and so, one of the greatest compliments that I can give Burtner is that he didn't give up and made for a really awesome wedding weekend. I won't make promises but our antics on the golf cart from the wedding site to the resort (where my brother was waiting) may make it onto YouTube at some point.... it is the most amount of fun that I have ever had in a "race against time".... and at, roughly, 7 mph. Good times. In what may appear as a slight upset, I'll be advancing Burtner to the Thrilled 32 next week -- it doesn't hurt that his son looks JUST LIKE the E-Trade Baby. It is uncanny.
7) Jenne Wagner vs. 10) Jessica Knister
I have known Jenne Wagner for a few years now and
is one of the kindest, bravest and strongest people that I know.
While I am not sure the extent of her time and service, I do know that
she has served this glorious country of ours in Iraq, Afghanistan,
and where ever else she has been called to serve. In fact, in the years
that I have known her, I am pretty sure that with the exception of a few
months here and there, she has always been abroad in some pretty
hardcore places. But that is Jenne Wagner for you: she is hardcore.
Further, the same passion and fervor that she loves and defends her
friends and family are the same that she has done for this country.
Without people like Jenne, those who have made sacrifices to leave
their homes, their friends, their families for months or years at a
time in order to serve this great country of ours, is a sacrifice that
I can never fully give thanks for nor can I ever fully repay. And, even though she appears to now be settled back into civilian life and, by all accounts I have seen, things are going great for her (which is great!! She deserves it!), she has -- so far -- opted to live in (of all places) Baltimore. I don't get it. I've seen The Wire, and fail to see the appeal. Spaz was so impressed with the city that he hasn't watched it with me since the end of season 3. Now, he naps in my room by himself. All of that aside, though, Jenne is someone I am proud to know and someone I hail as a hero.
Jessica, on the other hand, is also a hero of sorts -- as all nurses are.... or at least all of the nurses that I know. While she may not be in combat situations, she does have to put up with some rowdy folks -- both on the job and in social situations. Like after the Super Bowl, when a few of the crew decided to go to what I hope is considered a gentleman's club to get their minds off of the unfavorable conclusion to the game, and one of the guys got kicked out for being too rowdy, Jess -- or so the story goes -- some how managed to overpower him and take control of the situation. You need people like that around. In general, Jess is the perfect balance of fun and responsibility. And, because her (and Matt) were such gracious hosts during the Playoffs this year, and that I'll be certainly seeing them sooner than Jenne (hopefully they still have my hoody-jacket-thing from 90s Night), I will advance Jess to the next round of the Tournament.
2) Dana Troy vs. 15) Pat Bradach
When I first met Dana Troy, I probably referred
to him as "the angry, Slayer kid at the end of the hall"-- as his Slayer
fanfare was quite prominent, and he had bursts of rage from time to
time. Especially, once, when he bought (you guessed it) Slayer tickets
for their show in Portland.......Maine.... and further unsurprisingly,
they refused to refund his money, which was a source of much ranting for
the next couple of weeks. It was important that I started this
reminiscent jaunt with "when I first met" because once I got to know
Dana, it was quite evident that he is not the "angry, Slayer kid" that I
initially thought; he has a diverse background of interests and is
quite well-rounded, which makes him one of the best people to hang out
with because there are so many possible topics and conversations that
can be had. Furthermore, I have always enjoyed his passion and his
ability to give all of himself to something; be it going all-in during
the Niners games, or a crusade against Ticket Master (or whoever he
bought the Portland, ME tickets from), Dana doesn't mail things in, and I
appreciate and respect that. I also believe that if something is going
to be done, it should be done all the way. Thus, I am pounding out
thousands of words because this Tournament of Champions is worthy of
One of my favorite things about hanging out with Bradach is hearing his thoughts and ideas on society, the role we play as citizens within society, as well as his views on governance. I enjoy his thoughts and ideas on different ways to convey social disobedience in order to send a message (peacefully) to evoke the changes that he believes to be for the betterment of us on the whole. While, yes, Dana is going to advance to the next round, this has me stirred up, now, haha. Personally, I focus my counter to "The Man" through pleading with people (as well as setting an example) for how to drive. I don't mean that as a metaphor, either; people here don't know how to drive OR, rather, aren't like-minded -- while I prefer to get where I'm going as quickly (and safely) as possible, and fully embrace the Spirit of the Law with both arms, it seems that most drivers think otherwise, and that annoys me. And it should annoy others, too, because, really, who wants to sit in traffic? Who wants to have to constantly change lanes because some cars believe the left lane to be the "speed limit lane" while others believe it to be the right lane? Cars aren't dangerous anymore!! I can (in theory, of course) drive upwards of 80mph.... ONE HANDED... and still be in complete control of my vehicle. Why, then, are we still holding on dearly to the speed limits that were set at least 30 years ago??? Cars have changed, they have advanced their technology and safety....yet, the rules stay the same? It doesn't make sense to me, and I don't like it. Don't get me started on turn arrows, either; they should be treated like a stop sign (when not green or yellow) -- if it is clear to turn safely, you should be able to do that. Why sit at the intersection unnecessarily? And don't get me started on gas consumption... and, on that note, speaking of gas consumption (or lack thereof), the next match-up features Amanda Armstrong, who proudly acquired an electric car recently... a fitting segue.
1) Nicole Ison
vs. 16) Amanda Armstrong
Nicole is one of the few people that I have met that has had the
same sort of personality and sense of humor that aligns nicely with my
own. I know funny people and I know some people who think that I am
funny, but it is rare where such conditions exist simultaneously.
Personality aside, Nicole has the caring disposition and remarkable
patience (albeit a short fuse in the realm of technology). I respect and admire Nicole for all
that she does and has achieved, and consider her a dear figure in the
famed Circle of Trust. Even though I haven't seen her in years and, up until about a week ago, I thought maybe she got a new number -- as she hadn't returned my texts in awhile... which did make me ponder why she hadn't informed me of her new number?...and, more notably, who was I sending those messages to, and why hadn't they alerted me to my error?
And then there is Amanda. I met Amanda last year at Maui's 4th of July party and, if memory serves me faithfully, I reckon I didn't really see or speak to her much until John vs. Quadzilla -- although, I don't know if she remembers our brief conversation that afternoon/evening. Anyway, while I don't know Amanda that well, she has always been a delight in the few opportunities that I have had to talk with her; I marvel and admire her professional pursuits that I get to see posted on Facebook; and she associates with some of the best people that I happen to know -- and a lot can be said about a person based upon the people that they associate with. In this case? She is a winner due to her association with winners. And while Nicole's undefeated streak will continue into the next round of this Tournament, I will take a moment to plug a home buyer workshop that Amanda and her realty group is hosting this coming Saturday (May 11). I am told that it is targeted towards first-time buyers and investors, and so -- if you're in the market as either demographic -- you would be foolish not to attend. As stated before, Amanda is synonymous with quality and so I have solid faith that not only with this workshop be incredibly helpful to you on your journey towards home ownership, but that she (and the Caplener-Lincoln Group by association) can be trusted.
7) Hookah John Herboth vs. 13) Matt Korte the Squirrel Master
“Hookah” John Herboth, like all of the Herboths I
have met (and there is a small army of them, for sure) is one of the
happier people I have seen and possesses a strong work ethic and
commitment to those in his life. While he has one of the goofiest
smiles I’ve ever seen, Lord knows that I’ve seen it a lot; and, no
matter what you may think, there are not much better things to get
accustomed to in life than a smile. He even rivals my own history of
good mood and humorous disposition; which I think is tough to do. Just be sure that you don't anger his heel; that thing is made of unobtainium. He stepped on Kristen Dutra's calf last summer during volleyball......and she still has a mark from it. He is the opposite of Achilles; for those who enjoy mythology.
Matt Korte, meanwhile, is one of those great people that you are fortunate to
meet, though. While is nickname of the Squirrel Master is related more
to his small stature, insane athletic ability, and seemingly
never-ending source of energy, he is the type of guy who is remarkably
considerate and respectful to... just about everyone, I would say. Which is why it is unfortunate for him and his kindness that I advance John to the Thrilled 32. The man stated on Facebook that he is in it to win it; so far.... so good.
...and, finally, the Day Four
Marquee Match-Up...
5) Sarah SLC Carter vs. 12) Megan Craine-Parrott
Sarah Carter is one of the more awesome people
that I work with and also quite the hostess (along with her equally
awesome husband, Jared) – through hosting several Ryan Award Ceremonies, annual Super Bowl parties, the Brew Fest, and so much other fun events.
Hosting awesome parties and shindigs in itself is not what is
important, though, it is Sarah’s kind nature and friendliness that has
her opening her home to friends, family and the occasional friends of
friends. Quality character attributes like that are tough to match
and hard to find. It makes her not only a great person to know, to work
with, and to have lunch with on Pizza Tuesday-or-Thursday. She also is the Director
of the Foster Family Care Network (2013 Tournament 'sponsor') where her penchant for organization and commitment to caring for foster kids, are truly remarkable.
Megan, on the other hand, is a relative newcomer to my shenanigans. To the best of my memory and recollection, I haven't really spoken to Megan......ever. We had a class together at the U (of P), but it was a class on Death & Mourning -- so, not a lot of socializing going on with the classmates in that one. However, post-UP, Megan began popping up in my News Feed to where I would comment on status updates and other things that she has posted (her posts regarding work are some of my favorites) and I enjoy myself. It is always interesting to read how another person views the world and the things experiences in it; and it is through the differences of opinions and perceptions that, I believe, growth occurs. That is probably one of the things I enjoy the most about when she is on my News Feed: odds are, it'll be something worth looking into. And, even though Sarah trumps Megan in almost all categories, I like shaking things up a bit (plus, Megan seemed quite interested in the Tournament), and so I'll elect to advance Megan to the Thrilled 32 next week.
that will conclude the opening round of the 2013 May Mayhem
Tournament of Champions. Now, to take a couple of days off before coming back strong with Round Two - The Thrilled 32!! Schedule to be released probably on Sunday.
May Mayhem Tournament of Champions
Link to the bracket, dawg.
ReplyDeleteIf you had not joined the party so late, you would know that the bracket is hosted on the Tournament's primary "sponsor" website -- Maui's World (