Sunday, May 5, 2013

2013 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions -- Game Play

Salutations Good People,

On the eve of the 2013 May Mayhem Tournament of Champions, here is how the game play will work:

The Opening Rounds (the MGD 64, and the Thrilled 32)
     Players will be advanced at my discretion, based largely on what I think could make for an interesting Tournament.  Is it fair? Sort of - I mean, aside from the mandatory upsets (it can't proceed straight by the numbers, that is boring; there needs to be some excitement), everyone has a legitimate shot at advancing. Is it as fun? No. I get that. HOWEVER, trying to coordinate a fair and fun way to get competition out of 64 people from not just the Portland area but into Canada and even Ollie across the Atlantic is too much of a feat for me to arrange on my own.

The Middle Round (the Smooth 16)
     I haven't decided yet on if this will be advanced by my hand or if some game-play can determine who advances to the Enduring 8.  I suppose it depends on who the Smooth 16 end up being and how interested they are in competing for advancement.  Fortunately, I have a couple of weeks before this round occurs and decisions have to be made.

The Late Rounds (Enduring 8, Famed 4, and the Championship)
     These will be determined by trivia.  Historically (read: last year), I had three categories of trivia - one for each of the final three rounds.  Now, last year the categories were (I believe) Movies/TV; Spaz; and trivia about myself - for the Championship.  I'm not sure what the categories will be this year but I will use trivia - that way, the eventual Champion of Champions is crowned by destiny.

As always, if you have a question, let me know and I can field it.

May Mayhem Tournament of Champions 

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